Jesus in the Wilderness

Jesus in the Wilderness: A Time of Preparation & Testing

Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13

Jesus had just been baptized by John the Baptist, the Holy Spirit descended on Him, and God declared that Jesus is His son, and He is pleased with Him. Then we read that the Holy Spirit led Jesus to the wilderness to be tempted. Jesus has a mission to begin. All missions require preparation.

Bottom Line: Am I prepared & ready?

Talk to any current military member, or veteran. Almost all will tell you that the 8 weeks they spent in basic training were some of the toughest weeks of their lives. In hindsight, they are thankful for the preparation, training in the tools and skills that they will need for their survival. However, they would not volunteer to do it again.

1) The wilderness is a time of preparation.

Almost every task requires preparation. Sending people into the wilderness to prepare them wasn’t exactly a new concept to God. Moses was in the wilderness tending sheep when God called him. God used the wilderness wanderings to prepare the Israelites to enter the Promised Land. And now, God was sending Jesus into the wilderness to prepare Him for His ministry.

Jesus didn’t just sit around, and wander aimlessly about. Jesus’ response to being sent in to the wilderness was to fast. Prayer, and meditating or studying the Scriptures is a large part of fasting. Of course Jesus didn’t have a cell phone handy, with a neat Bible app, and all the research tools that we often rely on. He likely didn’t even have any written copy, or portion, available to him during this time. He had to rely on His knowledge and previous studies to meditate on scripture.

Sometimes God sends us into the wilderness to prepare us for an upcoming ministry. Admittedly, sometimes we send ourselves, but I think our response should be the same. When we find ourselves wandering in the wilderness, we need to learn to fast and pray.

Fasting is a physical act of obedience, and physical obedience brings spiritual release. Think of Moses and the Israelites’ battle with the Amelakites. Moses was told to keep his hands raised. Lets not forget Esther’s response when Mordecai told her that she needed to talk to the king about Haman’s evil plot to destroy the Jews. She began with prayer and fasting. I would also point out that every great revival began with prayer and fasting.

2) Testing often comes during, as well as after, the preparation.

Mark barely spends two verses on this time. But, in 1:12-13, Mark tells us that, “The Spirit compelled Jesus to go into the wilderness, where He was tempted by Satan for forty days.” So we know that Jesus didn’t simply rest, and study. Even as He was preparing for His ministry, He was being tested. Likewise, when we are in the wilderness, preparing, we too can expect that tests, and battles, will arise.

Jesus was tempted in every way just as any other man. Though, we know that He was no ordinary man. He never gave into the temptations. What was His secret? It’s almost so simple that we often miss it. Prayer and fasting, along with a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures are what lead to spiritual victories when the testing, and the battles come.

Are you making time to pray? Are you making time to study the Scriptures? When I visited at First Wesleyan in Nashville, Pastor Lorrie said something that stopped me almost in my tracks. “If you’re not praying, you’re not fighting.” And Scripture is our weapon.

Some of the most serious warriors I know are little old ladies, praying for their children, grandchildren, neighbors, their pastors, and others. Men and women fighting on their knees in prayer have resulted in countless spiritual victories. I have no doubt that I am here today because of the prayers of others. I have seen miracles because people were fighting the battles on their knees in prayer.

Also, as I said, Scripture is our weapon. In the three temptations mentioned, how did Jesus respond? He responded to each temptation with Scripture. I want to point out something that I suddenly realized as I was preparing for this sermon. Often we just look at the outside of these temptations: bread, protection, bowing down to satan in exchange for power. But if we look deeper, look at exactly what satan says: “If you really are the Son of God…” Satan was attacking Jesus in His pride. He was trying to get Jesus to respond out of selfish pride. But Jesus knew the Scriptures, and the Father, so well, that he never took the bait.

How well do you personally know the Scriptures? Are you simply letting the preachers spoon feed you? Or are you delving into the Bible throughout the week? Getting to the meat of a passage? The devil knows the Scriptures so well, that he can attempt to twist them. Do you know them well enough to use them to defeat the devil?

If we are to be battle ready, and victorious, we must spend time in prayer and fasting, and in studying the Scriptures.

3) God provides care during and after the battles.

Mark tells us that even while Jesus was out among the wild animals the angels took care of Him. Matthew says that the devil went away, then the angels came and took care of Jesus. Of course this isn’t the only place where we see God providing care after the battle.Even after his victory on Mount Carmel, Elijah became depressed. God provided food and rest for him.

I think this is important to note, even while we are in the wilderness, maybe even feeling sorry for ourselves at times, God still takes care of us. We may not understand while we are in the wilderness, but God still cares for us, and the Holy Spirit is watching over us, encouraging and guiding us.

Bottom Line: Am I prepared and battle ready for my mission and ministry?


I think I am learning a little bit of a lesson in waiting. Waiting is NOT one of my strengths. I hate waiting. Not only do I hate waiting, but I am a very impatient person. But over the past month I have been forced to wait. I waited over two weeks to receive my hardcopy of my CDL. I waited about three weeks to begin orientation for my new job. During the two and a half days of orientation, I had to wait to find out that I definitely had the job. Now, I find myself waiting for a trainer. Even though I am getting paid while I wait for a trainer, I don’t want to wait. I want to get going now. I could call the training department every hour or even every minute. Of course, I know that would be fruitless. If they don’t have a trainer available for me, my constant calling them isn’t going to change the situation. So, I wait, knowing that they know I’m here. And I also know that they  know that my sitting and waiting is only costing them money. In fact, until I complete my training, and am assigned my own truck, they know that I’m not even making the company money.  So I know their plan is not for me to sit around waiting for very long. I know that they will get me out with a trainer as soon as possible.

But what do I do while I wait? Fortunately, I have some training material that has to be completed before my training is over. I work on reading, and completing the written material.

Many times God has us wait on Him. What do we do with that time we are waiting. I hate to admit it, but I have usually been guilty of spending that time whining, and complaining. To be honest, I haven’t suddenly changed over night. But I am trying to see where God is working, and what He may be trying to teach me. Nothing I do or say is going to make God move any faster. Just because I am in a waiting pattern on something does not mean he has forgotten about me. God has a plan. Often, my job is to simply trust and follow the instructions He has given me.
I’m the meantime, I continue to prepare.

How do we prepare? God has provided us with training material; we call it the Bible. Just as I have to read the company’s training material to familiarize myself with my new company and job, I have to read my Bible to get familiar with God, and to know what He desires of me. As I do so, I also find myself not only getting familiar with Him, I find myself drawn into a relationship with Him, and with others who also have a relationship with Him. In so doing, I also become better prepared for whatever task He may call me to complete. And sometimes, our task is to simply “Be still.” And wait.

I still don’t like to wait. But I’m trying to learn to use the waiting time wisely. To prepare for the next task, next crisis, or next miracle that God desires me to be a part of.