I need ten people a month to plant a seed of $300 a month. God also told me he wants me to have a brand new RV, along with a new truck to tow it. When you plant your seed, and send it to me, God will bless you, richly.
Ok, ok. Stop. Please don’t actually send me money. Number one, it doesn’t work that way. Yes, God does ask us to tithe. This is how we support our individual local churches. God may ask you to support an evangelist, or a missionary, or some other ministry in addition to your local church. And he will baless you; but not necessarily financially. Besides, we don’t give in order to get. That’s not God’s plan.
Yes, there are biblical principles that should guide how we handle ALL of our resources, including money. But please, don’t fall for the lies of those who proclaim a prosperity gospel. Too many people are sending their resources, resources that they need, to charlatans who promise things that are nowhere in the Bible.
Sadly, these charlatans bear no resemblance to the local church. Most churches are small, and most pastors have a very small income. And the homes most pastors live in are quite modest, especially if provided by the church. Many pastors are working two or three jobs. So please, support your local church, and your pastor, first.
If God has blessed you financially, and is asking you to support anther ministry, then by all means, be obedient. There are many legitimate ministries who are serving people.