Thoughts and Prayers…

Thoughts and prayers seems like so little. But I can’t go hug the families and friends of victims of the recent shootings. I wasn’t there to be able to try to stop the bad guys. My ability to actually be able to respond personally to these tragedies is limited. So yes, unfortunately, all I have to offer is prayer.

I pray for the survivors, for the families, the communities. I pray for God to provide comfort, strength, and healing. And although it feels like too little, too late, prayer is still more powerful than we know.
I wonder, have we who claim to be Christians forgotten the power of prayer? Have we become lax in our prayer lives. I’m preaching to myself right now, too.

We are told to pray without ceasing, yet the reality is that we turn to prayer only after something bad happens. If we truly desire a change in our communities, in our nation, in our churches, and in our lives, it begins and ends with prayer. To be sure, action will be required of us. But, we must also re-learn the apparently lost art of prayer. We must learn again to, in the words of an old Petra song, get on our knees and fight.

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